I am so excited. I have never taken part in a block exchange. I belong to QuiltingBoard.com, which is free to everyone. You do not even have to enroll, but if you do not enroll you cannot post. But it is free, so why not?
These are the six pumpkin ones. I had to use two different fabrics, as I only had orange fat quarters. |
Anyone someone posted they were organizing a Halloween block exchange. Well for those of you who read my blog regularly know that I am really fond of Halloween. I probably have more Halloween fabric than any other theme. Anyway I responded I wanted to be part of it.
These are the witches hats. This picture really does not do them justice. They are really cute. |
So the rules are to make six blocks to exchange. They can be all the same or all different. I made two sets. Each set is the same but different from the other set. See in the pictures what I did. Dimensions have to be divisible by three. So my pumpkins will be 12" finished by 6" finished. The witches hats are 12" x 9". I think they turned out cute.
This shows you how much shorter mine is than the ones I am sending.
It will not make any difference in the long run.
I just like the longer ones since they are here for me to see. |
We were told if we wanted our own blocks in our finished quilt, we needed to make one and not send it. So I made one of each for myself, too. My pumpkin block is not as big as theirs. I ran out of the orange fabric, so mine is shorter. Just as cute, though.
This is a closer picture, so you can get an idea how cute they are.
The background fabric has bats flying around. Here it looks more like jelly beans. |
I have to have my blocks to the organizer by July. Since I have them done, I am going to send them off soon, otherwise I will probably forget. I will get my other 12 blocks back by September. That will give me enough time to finish the quilt for Halloween. (Do not hold me to that - I did not say which Halloween.)
I think she is still taking sign ups for it, if you are interested in participating. Check it out at this link:
Keep on Quilting