PIQF - Pacific International Quilt Festival
Last Friday my husband and I traveled to Santa Clara CA for me to attend the PIQF show for the first time. This was the 27th year, but the first year I made it down there. It was so worth the effort. The quilts were beautiful and from all over the world. There were almost as many vendors as there were quilts. Everyone wanted to see the vendors, so seeing and photographing the quilts was easy. Here are just a few.
A Spring Twist by Karily Bue Lohrenz Billings MT |
Adrift by Nora Dean Hekkers |
Adrift up close. Note the long stitching. |
All the Way Around by Sigrid Simonds |
All the Way Around - up close |
Note the hand quilting on the above quilt. Plus the write up states it is rusted and painted cloth. Unique.
The following three pictures are the Best of Show. Stunning quilt! It is called Marie's Treasure by Marilyn Badger of St George UT.
Changing Gears by Jan Soules Elk Grove CA |
The above quilt is by a fellow member of the River City Quilt Guild of Sacramento. She always does beautiful work.
Denied by Laura Fogg Ukiah CA |
With politics running so amok right now, I applaud the above quilter's take on what is happening in America.
Checker Cab Company by Debbie Mackay |
Elephant by Cindy Brown |
Color Play by Letitia Chung San Francisco CA |
Color Play (up close) |
Note the hand quilting on the above quilt. It is what made the quilt.
Color Play One by Irelle Beatie Summerland CA |
Creamsicle by Natalie Gore Concord CA |
Diamond Effervescence by Beth Nufer and Clem Buzick Brookings OR |
That Will be the Day When I'm Inspired by Nordic Knitwear! by Diane Steele Davis CA |
The above quilt was made by a friend of mine, Diane Steele. She was the designer and leader in our shop's Block of the Month many years ago. She does fantastic work.
Erin by Sandy Curan Newport News VA |
Everyone Will Wear in Hanbok as Usual by Jin Chang Seongnam-si, Kyunggi-do Republic of Korea |
Freedom from Taiji by Lys Axelson Big Bear City CA |
The above quilt represents an event that takes place in Japan where dolphins are herded into Taiji Cove and slaughtered. These few were able to escape. I first heard of this just a couple of years ago when my granddaughter showed me a video of the slaughter. This should stop. Fishing is a sport. There is no sport here. I applaud the quilt maker for making this statement.
Gooseneck Barnacles by Heidi Lindsay Suisun City CA |
The above quilt was a reproduction from a picture made by Brandon Cole. It was all in red and white. The quilter made her original quilt in reds and whites but found it was hard to determine where one gooseneck barnacle started and one ended, so she redid the quilt in rainbow colors. Stunning.
Gossiping Ducks and Hungry Tiger by Linda Anderson LaMesa CA |
The above quilt is of a percussion group using instruments from the Tang Dynasty. She informs us the back and forth exchange of sounds between "gossiping" ducks while a "growling" tiger (the drums) waits nearby.
Halloween Happiness by Jone Lewis Riverside CA |
Halloween is always a draw for me. I have more Halloween fabric and quilts, for that matter, than any other. I do love this quilt. Look at the bat inner border.
In the Old Way by Linda Anderson LaMesa CA |
This looks like a large photograph. This is a stunning quilt in its composition.
Jane at the End of the Rainbow by Frances Ledenbach and Margarita Wilcox of Round Rock TX |
The above and below pictures are of the same quilt. It is a large quilt, but those blocks are tiny. I love the material used as it makes it look like some of the blocks are pieced even smaller than they appear. Good planning.
Happy Trails by Renata Beason Craig CO |
Happy Trails up close |
Happy Trails up close |
Happy Trails up close |
The above four pictures are of a Block of the Month kit I purchased a couple of years ago. Mine is partially completed. In the quilter's write up she states she also purchased hers some time ago and just finished it. I don't know where she bought her pattern/kit from. I bought mine from Stitchin Heaven in Texas. I have purchased more than one BOM from this shop. Since I live in California and they are in Texas, it is all done through the mail. They are great. You can still purchase this BOM from them at
Hocuspocusville by Beverly Rognlien and Victoria Weins Lincoln CA |
Again Halloween will attract me every time, as will embroidery projects. This is both.
Keith's Doodle by Cynthia Cox of Reno NV |
Keith's Doodle up close |
Kelly, the Irish Cow by Carole Olsen Monterey CA |
There are just never enough cows in a quilt show. The quilter states this cow seemed to want to follow her home while she was in Ireland. Sometimes you just have to adopt animals into your life whether it is by taking the animal home with you or making a quilt from your pictures/memories. Love it.
Ford-Long Lasting by Linda Jensen Hidden Valley Lake |
Same with the cow, there cannot be too many old trucks in a quilt show either. Especially the old weathered ones. This truck truly has character.
Little Brown Bird by Robyn Phelps LaMesa CA |
Marble Track by Claudia Scheja Werne, NRW Germany |
Mouse Trap by Joan Barker Vallejo CA |
Miss Ellie Priscilla in Pink by Jeanette Boulet Canada |
Now you might think you have seen the above quilt already posted here. But you would be mistaken. The other one was in shades of orange. Look back towards the top of this post.
Modern Ulu by Connie Johnson Sayler and Nancy Lee Chong Medford OR |
I love the simplicity of this quilt. Yet if you think about it, it is not that simple. Well done quilters. I looked up what Ulu means, but there are several definitions for the word. Look it up for yourself and you determine what the quilts meaning might be.
The Musicians by LeAnn Hileman Glendale AZ |
This is one of my most favorite of the show. It is so realistic in nature.
My Rhodie by Andrea Brokenshire Round Rock TX |
The above is the close up of the one below. It is a stunning quilt and the thread play on it is marvelous.
My Rhodie |
Native American Sturgeon Backs by Ruthanne Rocha Miranda CA |
Octavia Reaches for the Light by Vickie Lord Dunwoody GA |
Octavia Reaches for the Light up close |
I love how the quilter shows this cephalopod going from the dark depths into lighter waters.
Reflections of Cape Town by Cynthia England Dickenson TX |
I love how this quilt looks like it has water sitting in the foreground. Good job.
Orca's Tale by Angie Tustison McKinleyville CA |
If you have ever lived around a Border Collie, you find they are exceptional dogs. In fact I doubt they think they are dogs at all. At least mine thinks she is closer to human than dog. Other than her barking. She does love to bark.
This quilter told a remarkable story of her Border Collie, Orca. She stated in her write up that she was 18 when she got this adorable black and white puppy. She was told their life span was between 12 and 15 years. To an 18 year old that is a long time. In a dog's life, not so long. As I read her story about Orca, I realized my time with our dog, Mochi, is not going to be much longer either. She just turned 9. I took a picture of this quilt and texted it to my husband, daughter and granddaughter, all of whom help take care of Mochi. As I was typing Orca's story to them along with the picture, I was sobbing with the realization that within maybe 5 years, I will have to say goodbye to my beautiful dog, too. Thanks for bringing me to today, Angie.
Orca's Tale up close |
Orca's Tale up close |
The Oxymoron by Gina Boyd Davis CA |
Just wondering why it is an oxymoron. Because it is a crank sewing machine? Hmmm. If it works, it may come in handy some day if our power goes down.
Samba Selfie by Randa Mulford Mountain View CA |
Absolutely lovely.
Route 66 by Mary Boyer Rancho Cordova CA |
I am sure I am not the only one who buys fabric, patterns, kits and has all the intentions to finish them. The above quilt is a pattern I bought several years ago. I love embroidery. I love retro trucks and motorcycles. I am not crazy about doing lots of flying geese. So guess where I am with finishing this quilt top? You probably guessed. I have all the embroidery done. Just have to do the connecting stars and flying geese. Some day I will get it done. My colors are darker. I really loved how this quilter used a soft brown version. I also love how it was quilted with the Route 66 logo throughout the quilting. Some day I will post mine completed and beautiful, too. [I hope.]
Sea Breeze by Joanne Baeth Bonanza OR |
Sea Breeze up close |
Seasoned with Time by Karlyn Bue Lohrenz Billings MT |
As stated earlier, there is plenty of room for old trucks in a quilt show. I love the name chosen for this one.
She Persisted in Her Quest to Reach the Shore and Sing the Anthem of the Sea by Sara Ann Smith Hope ME |
Slipping Away up close |
Slipping Away |
I failed to get the quilter's name on this one. Sorry. I do like to give credit where credit is due. I really like this quilt, as I love whales. My friend, Venita, recently took a trip to Alaska on a cruise ship. While there she found some great ideas for a quilt. I thought we could something like this into it. Thanks for the idea.
I jokingly tell people as I talk about our plans saying, "My friend went to Alaska, and we are going to make a quilt showing the things she saw." Some day I will go, too.
Solar Flare by Sandra Clark Fresno CA |
This beautiful quilt is a hand dyed single piece of fabric (except for the border) and then embellished. Beautiful quilt.
South Bay Beach by Nadine Kirk Torrance CA |
I love the ocean. I love this depiction of the coast above and below.
South Bay Beach up close |
Starry Night on a Sunny Day by Heidi Proffetty |
Starry Night on a Sunny Day up close |
This quilt is just a bunch of small pieces of fabric put together into a beautiful scene. Great quilt.
The Strangest Vase that Ever Was by Alethea Ballard Walnut Creek CA |
The Strangest Vase that Ever Was up close |
Boy, is it ever! [Look at the name above.]
Sunset Over Puako by Joy Palmer San Jose CA |
Sunset Over Puako up close |
Look at the quilting in the up close version above. Love the crab crawling along in the sand.
Water is Life, So Why Are We Doing This? by Thom Atkins Santa Cruz CA |
Water is Life. . . .up close |
What a great statement this quilt makes! We are dumping so much garbage into our oceans that our progeny will be cleaning it up for an eternity. Those circles are actual bottle tops. Great job, Quilter.
Whooo? by Mimi Ghauri-Young Yountville CA |
That's Life by Mary Landon Billings MT |
That's Life up close |
Tailfeathers by Marie O'Kelley Seattle Washington |
As I said, these are just a few of the quilts at this show. It is an enormous quilt show. Plan on attending next year. The dates are October 17-20, 2019.